CSM Bakery Products

CSM Bakery Products
1912 Montreal Road
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 770-723-3449 Fax: 770-723-3464
Email: contact.employment@csmglobal.com
Website: CSM Bakery Products
CSM Bakery Products, based just outside of Atlanta in Tucker, GA, manufactures a wide range of bakery products and ingredients for in-store and foodservice markets as well as artisan and industrial bakeries. With 14 manufacturing facilities, two research and development centers and 3,500 plus employees, CSM Bakery Products is one of the largest bakery manufacturers in North America. The companys family of brands includes some of the industrys most trusted brands including Brill, Best Brands, Henry & Henry, Karps, Telco, Multifoods and Fantasia.CSM Bakery Products parent company, CSM, headquartered in Amsterdam (Diemen), Netherlands, is the largest supplier of bakery products worldwide. CSM serves business-to-business markets throughout Europe, North America, South America and Asia from more than 25 locations and more than 40 manufacturing sites, generating annual sales of $4.1 billion with a workforce of around 9,500 employees.
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