Company/Organization: Asymptote
We recently added new editors-at-large for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK. Wed like to extend our network even more to ensure a constant stream of quality content from underrepresented regions. We welcome applicants from other parts of the world especially but not limited to: Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Editors-at-large also help to promote our journal locally, explore partnerships with local journals and even organize events (though the last is not a necessary requirement). - See more at: http://www.asymptotejournal.com/news.php#sthash.liLNCoLY.dpuf
Africa Middle East Australia Latin America Southeast AsiaMore Internships in Non-US:
Latest Non-US Internships
We seek permanent team members (and in some cases, interns) to take up positions (10-15 hours a week) in the following:
- See more at: http://www.asymptotejournal.com/news.php#sthash.liLNCoLY.dpuf
Asymptote [ All of our Internships ]
Taipei City, Taiwan
Website: Asymptote
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