YouTube Network Digital Meda FALL INTERNSHIP
Company/Organization: StyleHaul
YouTube Network Digital Media FALL INTERNSHIP- StyleHaul, Inc. is the largest online fashion and beauty network and Premier Partner on YouTube, currently ranked #4 on Social Blade’s “Top 50 Most Subscribed.” StyleHaul is a fun, young and vibrant office of fashion/beauty new media entrepreneurs who have helped grow the business to 10 billion network video views and over 50 million unique per month. The company is constantly evolving and leading the charge on YouTube -- creating the first network of its kind. As such, StyleHaul is looking for a motivated, organized, and ambitious intern (college level with an interest in digital media and beauty/fashion) to help the company continue to expand its business globally. Intern must be a team player extremely proficient in Microsoft Excel & Powerpoint and savvy in social media with strong writing and organizational skills for both offline and online tasks and responsibilities. MUST BE AT LEAST A JUNIOR OR SENIOR IN COLLEGE. Please send cover letter and resume to This for school credit only.
-College student (Juniors and Seniors only)
-Must be able to receive class credit
-Highly motivated
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StyleHaul [ All of our Internships ]
6255 Sunset Blvd Ste. 1450
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: 3235103829
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