Promotions and Social Media Intern
Company/Organization: Know My World
As a Promotions intern, you will assist in managing and growing our
online community, using various social and digital media applications.
Have a strong knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and
discussion boards, all while radiating positive energy to connect people all over the world.What you give:
? Monitor and generate social media profiles and online discussion
? Assist in creating press kits
? Monitor the listening station (research and monitor trends in education and digital
technology)What you develop:
? Refine and create mastery skills in effective communication
? Engage in a multitude of experiences with others, interact with a variety of cultures and backgrounds.
? Access a network of potential contacts for future work opportunities.Descriptions:
Status Updates should be one of the following on rotation, unless otherwise notified:
? Quotes and inspiring articles reflective of the Know My World philosophy. (Please
see mission statement and rationale)
? Archives from the Know My World website and content
? New Content announcements
? Know My World participation in workshops, conferences and seminars
? Applicable information from partner organizations or new media
*Posts should never be of a negative, confrontational or provocative nature. Only positive and empowering shares.Participation on network sites include:
? Advertising Know My World as an exchange resource and project/activity resource
? Engaging audience in Know My World content and presence
? Expanding and recruiting database possibilities
*May browse each site and oscillate between conversations, or follow hot leads.
Research and Monitoring of Listening stations include:
? Seeking out and mapping new trends applicable to the growth of Know My World
? Assisting in developing new strategies and communications for Know My World
? Seeking out potential avenues and opportunities in Know My World
communications, technology and audience
? Facebook/Twitter status updates daily or within 48 hours. Includes
researching and creating posts. (up to 4 hours a week)
? Active participation posting in Global Educators site weekly. (Up to 1 hour a week)
? Research new areas for social media participation. (Up to 1 hour a week)
? Generating discussion and activity on all social media applications (Up to 1 hour a week)
4-7 hours per week
Start Date:
End Date:
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Additional Info:
We are able to offer up to 3 credits for our internshipsTags:
Social Media Twitter Facebook Blogs Promote Discussion Boards Manage sites Global Education CommunicationMore Internships in New York:
Latest New York Internships
Know My World
Our mission is to offer a multitude of platforms and projects for exchange and growth between various countries and cultures. These projects and exchanges will provide shared teaching and learning opportunities between participants. The pivotal focus of Know My World is to promote enriching opportunities within and beyond the standard curriculum to transform the educative experience.
Know My World™ hosts a variety of methods for cross cultural exchange using various forms of digital technology and project based learning. The initial connection between classrooms around the world begins here with the intention to go beyond the standard educational curriculum by expanding on relationships through experiential learning and lasting friendships. We welcome anyone who has an interest in working with us to promote global connectivity and project based learning.
Know My World [ All of our Internships ]
Glenham, NY
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