Farm to School Organizer
Company/Organization: Center for Rural Affairs
Goal: Increase markets for local growers and increase the amounts of fresh and healthy local food for students by encouraging farm to school activities: local food procurement, local food curriculum and events, and promoting school gardens.
Farm to School is a program of the Center for Rural Affairs. The goal of Farm to School is to source food from local and regional farmers for pre-school through senior high schools in Nebraska. Farm to School also provides agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities. It improves the health of children and communities while supporting local and regional farmers.Principle Activities and Outcomes
1. Build connections for Farm to School programs in rural Nebraska through face-to-face networking
2. Help organize trainings for farmers and school food service professionals in farm product safety and usage
3. Provide individual Farm to School facilitation between schools and farmers
4. Raise awareness of Farm to School throughout the state
5. Assist with development of a two Farm to School conferencesCo-ordination
This position requires working cooperatively with farmers, school principals and food service directors, rural community members and leaders, the Farm to School team, and with CFRA staff. It requires travel: day-trips by car (company car is available on occasion).
Preferred Skills and Experience
1. Self-starter and passionate about the work
2. People and communication skills
3. Respect for all cultures
4. Community organizing
5. Some knowledge or experience working in rural communities
6. Knowledge of Google applications and files
Paid Internship Info:
$6,050 + educational stipend
900 hours
1 year
Start Date:
September 2, 2014
End Date:
August 25, 2014, August 31, 2015
Additional Info:
full job description at EOETags:
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Center for Rural Affairs

Establish strong rural communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities.
Our Values
Since its inception, the Center has resisted the role of advocating for the interests of any particular group. Instead, we have chosen to advance a set of values - values that reflect the best of Rural America. Ultimately, we believe it is in the interest of all to create a future reflecting those values.
Center for Rural Affairs [ All of our Internships ]
PO Box 136
Lyons, NE 68038
Phone: 402.687.2100 Fax: 402.687.2200
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