2020 NYS Senate Undergraduate Session Assistant
Company/Organization: New York State Senate - Office of Student Programs
The Program
Since 1978, the New York State Senate Undergraduate Session Assistants Program has given students direct access to state government and the legislative process. Approximately 30 undergraduate students are selected for this unique experience every year. Strong personal initiative and principles are essential for success in the Program. Students typically receive as many as 15 credit hours in addition to a $6,600 stipend for their participation.Placement
Session Assistants are assigned to work full-time in a Senator’s office based upon the student’s experience, abilities, and policy interests. Office supervisors will assign Assistants work and responsibilities related to the legislative process. Such duties may include: policy research; constituent relations; or the preparation of legislative documents.Stipend and Work Hours
The Senate awards a $6,600 stipend to Session Assistants. The stipend is paid in biweekly
installments following an initial two-week lag. Assistants are required to work a minimum of
35 hours per week, or 70 hours per biweekly pay period. Due to the nature of legislative work, longer hours may sometimes be necessary. Session Assistants must work through the last scheduled date of the program to receive the full and timely payment of their final biweekly stipend check.Model Session
Model Legislative Session allows students to experience firsthand the lawmaking process, including drafting, negotiating, and debating/voting on original student legislation. It is the culminating program activity, and the experience of a lifetime.College Credit
The Senate does not award course credits. Instead, a confidential performance evaluation will be provided. Advisement, evaluation, and the granting of credits are the responsibility of on-campus faculty. Due to the demands of the Program, the Senate imposes a limit of three (3) additional classroom credits pursued outside the Program during enrollment.The Margaret J. Hughes Memorial Fund Scholarship
Margaret J. “Maggie” Hughes served with distinction as Deputy Director of the Washington Office of the State of New York, as a Special Assistant to Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller, and with the Washington Office of the New York State Senate.Wise, patient, and caring, Maggie was a knowledgeable resource and friend to many interns and young staffers. Every year, the New York State Senate awards $1,000 to the Undergraduate Session Assistant who embodies the values and commitment to public service for which Maggie was known.
Candidates will be evaluated on overall performance, written communication skills, and their commitment to serving the public with integrity. Applications for the Margaret J. Hughes Memorial Fund Scholarship will be made available in early March, and one recipient will be chosen at the end of the program in April.
• Applicants must be matriculated undergraduates at an accredited college or university located in New York State. Majors in all accredited disciplines are accepted. Freshmen are ineligible.
• To be considered, applicants must have been enrolled full-time in the previous spring, as well as the current fall semester/trimester, and have maintained a minimum 3.0 grade point average.
• Off-campus eligibility must be conferred by authorized academic institution faculty.
• Applicants must meet their institution’s requirements for off-campus study.
Paid Internship Info:
$6,600 Stipend
35 hours per week
4 months
Start Date:
End Date:
11/01/19, 04/22/20
November 1, 2019Additional Info:
Website: https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/2019/undergraduate-programTags:Application: https://www.nysenate.gov/sites/default/files/article/attachment/2020_senate_session_assistant_application_vert.pdf
Program Brochure: https://www.nysenate.gov/sites/default/files/article/attachment/program_description_brochure.pdf
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New York State Senate - Office of Student Programs

If you have ever thought about a career in public service or state government, now is the time to get started! Our on-site, experiential learning programs provide students with a work experience that is both professionally rewarding and academically enriching.
Below are just a few examples of the benefits of participating in one of our programs:
- Earn up to 15 credits from your college or university toward your degree (undergraduate students only)
- Each participating student receives a program stipend – earn money while you learn
- Potential for full-time employment in the Senate after completion of the program
- Excellent networking and career-building opportunities
Why not take your learning to the next level?
New York State Senate - Office of Student Programs [ All of our Internships ]
208 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-2611 Fax: 518-426-6827
Email: students@nysenate.gov
Website: New York State Senate - Office of Student Programs
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