Volunteer in Uganda| Affordable Volunteer Projects| Volunteer in Africa
Company/Organization: Beacon of Hope Uganda
Pay as low as USD$125 to volunteer in Uganda!
Our Volunteer Program is an immersion program customized for individual travelers, students, professionals, families, groups, or anyone with the desire to serve in rural villages in Uganda. The timetable you travel, your village destination, and the projects you may be involved with are all geared to your skills and interests, and the villages needs.
The program is collaboration between Beacon of Hope Uganda and the under-served rural villages of Uganda. We are committed to meeting the needs of our communities, and to placing developmental volunteers in programs that provide safe and meaningful experiences.
If you are interested in participating in our volunteer program, write to us and we will work with you to identify your best placement options in Uganda. E-mail: beaconyouths@yahoo.com
Because it is an immersion experience, days in the villages allow for a variety of opportunities. And whether you work in a clinic, school, or childrens home, participate in building or agricultural projects, or simply assist in the day-to-day tasks.BoHU works closely with each volunteer to ensure comprehensive preparation, including both an understanding of the people with whom you will be working, and all considerations necessary for travel overseas.
BoHU runs on the hard work of all our volunteers, whether they work on construction projects, community development initiatives or take on leadership roles through the BoHU Management Team.
BoHU is an entirely volunteer-run non-profit. We rely on capable, responsible volunteers to take on leadership positions that are essential to the effective management and successful operation of the organization. Placements on the BoHU Management Team (MT) provide unparalleled opportunities to earn invaluable professional experience in an extraordinarily challenging environment. Throughout our history, many people have surpassed their own preconceived notions of personal and professional capacities to accomplish incredible successes that have helped shape the organization as we now know it. These volunteers are of paramount importance to the continuous growth and improvement of BoHU; they make a truly lasting impact in the community we serve by ensuring other volunteers have the tools they need to successfully execute projects each and every day.
The need for consistency and continuity in our management practices obliges us to require BoHU Management Team volunteers undertake a minimum service commitment of three months. The following areas are central to our ability to reach our full potential: Office Administration
Financial Management & Planning
Organizational Accounting
Fundraising & Grant Writing (Local & International)
Volunteer Coordination & Recruitment
Volunteer Wellness
Marketing & Publicity
Public Relations & Community Outreach
Logistical Support
Tools & Inventory Management
Project Coordination
Site AssessmentPlease note, additional benefits are afforded to volunteers who take on certain leadership roles and increased responsibility as part of the BoHU Management Team. In exchange for a 3 month minimum commitment of service, some MT volunteers may receive a significant discount or even be provided gratuitous room and board during their service, so long as they comply with BoHU rules & regulations and are able to consistently meet the established goals and objectives of the position.
Furthermore, both construction and community development projects require strong leadership from capable and committed volunteers. Therefore, we ask volunteers with technical expertise whether acquired before or after arriving at BoHU to help guide other team members by ensuring they are prepared and properly trained to effectively execute the tasks required of a particular project. They are also responsible for coordinating with the Executive Chairman and other members of the BoHU Management Team as well as ensuring quality monitoring and evaluation.
Community Outreaches & Improvement of Living Standards:
Volunteer on Community Sanitation Projects:
The BoHU team engage into programs and projects which improve on the sanitation of rural people and this include clearing of drinking wells, building of dry racks and the digging of latrines as well as education of healthy living practices. Join the team and help in improving the poor communities.Community Outreach and Material Support:
BoHU provides material support to those in the Mukono District who are
unable to and care for themselves. This may include the elderly,
orphans, the disabled, prisoners, and those afflicted or affect by HIV and AIDS.Teach Volunteer and Internship Opportunities:
The main focus is providing education to hundreds of children in poor communities in Uganda. Village schools provide English, Math, health lessons to children 3yrs-12yrs old. The schools provide not only needed education but opportunities for sports activities, health talks, feeding center and meeting place for the community.
Teaching experience is not required. You can begin as a teaching assistant and then work in small groups with children in need of extra attention.Develop a poor community in Uganda/ Building Program:
You will have the opportunity to try different roles and projects, dependent on your interests and skills. These volunteer opportunities do not require specialized skills (although these would be an advantage), and we accept volunteers for both short and long-term placements, all the year round. Volunteers certainly gain an amazing life experience from their participation in our placement program.
Health Projects in Uganda:
Knowledgeable and able-bodied volunteers are in great demand. Help assist doctors with several health-related activities, opportunities are available all year around in Uganda.
After you have been accepted into the project by the volunteer coordinator, then you will have to pay a non-refundable $100 booking fee. Since we started, the numbers of volunteers applying has increased by each year. Unfortunately only a third of those who promise that they will come, have in fact arrived. The wastage in volunteer coordinators time and the fact that volunteers who could have come were refused due to holding the space for someone else who didnt turn up, has forced us implement this. We hope that by implementing the fee, only serious volunteers will thus secure the chance to volunteer in our projects.
The booking fee will go towards paying for communication expenses incurred by the coordinators to keep in touch with you and the projects, and website maintenance. You will be given 3 weeks to pay from the time of acceptance.
Program fees:
1 week- USD$200
2 weeks-USD$300
3 weeks- USD$400
4 weeks- USD$500The program fees can be paid upon arrival or before departure for proper preparations of your placement.
Additional Fees: USD$ 85 Airport pickup for arrival paid upon arrival.
If you would like to bring a group out to work with Beacon of Hope Uganda, please email: beaconyouths@yahoo.com
Program fees covers:
Pre-service (e.g. culture, health talk, program orientation, training etc);
1 day sightseeing guide fee around Kampala or Jinja, Equator, world heritage sites, (e.g. game parks, zoos, museums, rivers etc)
Accommodation, Laundry and food during placement with a host family or volunteer house (3 meals a day);
Regular follow up support
Support for local staff and volunteers;
When a volunteer arrives in Uganda, our Coordinator meets them at the airport and brings them to our orientation place in Mukono. From that point our volunteers spend between 1 to 3 days in our orientation program. This training provides volunteers with a very detailed understanding of how to be acquainted in Ugandas Life and culture.The program fee excludes the following:
Airfare, Visa and Visa extension fee
Transportation during weekends travel
Personal travel and sightseeing (trekking, jungle safari etc);
Internet access, telephone, drinks or other costs accrued during training and placement;
Gifts to project staff and host family, if you wish to buy any;
Should you wish to spend more time in Uganda pre and post placement period, please remember to budget accordingly!
Travel and medical insurances, immunization, health expenses;
You will also need a weekly budget of up to US $50-100 to cater for all your other expenses.Are you interested in being a volunteer, but would like more information? Contact our team and let us know what your hopes are for your volunteer experience, and we will assist you in planning a meaningful and fulfilling journey.
Contact us on: beaconyouths@yahoo.com
Website: www.beaconofhopeug.org
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Beacon of Hope Uganda

Beacon of Hope Uganda [ All of our Internships ]
Mukono, Uganda 256
Phone: 256702812255
Email: beaconyouths@yahoo.com
Website: Beacon of Hope Uganda
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