City Vision Internship: Door of Hope
Company/Organization: TechMission
Pasadena ProgramBasic Information:
4-6 months transitional housing for homeless families
Two parent married families (with children)
Single fathers (with children)
Focus on full time employment
100% savings minus necessary expenses
Full time after school program for school aged children
Can contact us directly or be referred through any other sourceProgram Expectations:
Expect families to look for full time employment from 9am-5pm
Each family has their own room and are given a key to ensure privacy and safety
Curfew is at 5:30pm (some exceptions for workers)
No families may step off property after curfew
Dinner is at 6:00pm
Individual counseling and marital counseling required on a weekly basis.
One on one case management required on a weekly basis.
Full time employment is a requirement for all adults in the house (sustainable income)
Child care is a requirement for kids who are not school aged
Food stamps split 70% to Door of Hope family pot and 30% back to the individual family
Mandatory onsite classes and meetings: Mens and Womens group, parenting, marital (if applicable), finance and budgeting, anger management, house meeting, optional bible study (Monday-Thursday)
No electronics (personal laptops, Televisions, etc.)
$300 room deposit upon entry (if you dont have this inform our case manager)
10% program fee (cap of $300)
Each parent is assigned a cook day where they are responsible to cook for the entire household
Each parent is assigned chores which they are required to do two times a day (morning and night)Glendale Program
Basic Information:
6-12 months transitional housing for homeless families
Single mothers (with children)
Handles domestic violence (DV) mothers (with children)
Should be employed upon entry
30% of all income must be saved
Full time after school program for school aged children
Must be referred through an emergency shelter (can not be contacted directly unless asking for more information)Program Expectations:
Expect our mothers to obtain full time employment
Each family has their own apartment and is given a key to ensure privacy and safety
Curfew is at 6 pm on Sunday through Thursday and at 10 pm on Friday and Saturday (some exceptions for workers)
No resident may remain on property between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm on weekdays. However, if a resident works full-time and has a day off during the week, they are permitted to be on-site
Individual counseling is required on a weekly basis
One on one case management required on a weekly basis
Families must be willing to put their children in day care (child care is not provided)
Mandatory onsite classes and meetings Monday through Wednesday: house meeting and classes on parenting, finance and budgeting, anger management, and bible study which is optional
Each resident is assigned chores three times a week.
$250 deposit is required upon entry. If resident is unable to pay the full amount, a payment plan may be set up.
30% of income is paid towards rent and 30% of income is paid towards savings. If 30% of the rental amount exceeds $149.59, the balance will be added to resident’s savings.
No one is allowed to give the Glendale program address to anyone (we have a P.O. Box for mail) - If given, that individual will be prosecuted
No pictures are allowed on site or within a 2 mile radius of the location
No one is allowed in each others apartments
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31 Torrey Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Phone: 617-282-9798 ext 104
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