City Vision Internship: Harbor House Ministries
Company/Organization: TechMission
Harbor House offers youth programs, education programs for youth and adults, economic development programs and spiritual development programs.
Youth ProgramsOur youth programs encompass a wide range of activities, including academic enrichment, tutoring, sports activities, field trips, arts and crafts and other cultural activities.
We offer practical opportunities that equip children and youth to grow academically, socially, and spiritually. Harbor House’s youth programs are solidly founded on respect for children and youth—their unique history, culture, and gifts—and an understanding of God’s love in Christ for them.
Harbor House’s programs also equip youth and children with the skills, self-perception, and resources to give back to their community. Youth “grow up” in our programs to become servants and leaders in their neighborhoods.
We offer Youth Leadership Internships throughout the year to youth from our neighborhood. Internships include training in job readiness, community service, teamwork, and diversity awareness training.
Education Programs
Education programs include English as a Second Language classes for adult learners and our Community Quilting Project. Our education programs respond innovatively to the unique gifts and challenges of the adults of the communities we serve.
Our adult English language-learning programs have traditionally served people with less than 3 years of education — arguably the hardest to reach students in any community. We successfully serve this population with tailor-made curricula developed at Harbor House, and through creative endeavors like our Harbor House Quilt Project.
Harbor House offers a safe place for social interaction, language development, economic skill development, and community life-skill learning for people who would perhaps otherwise not leave the confines of their homes or immediate neighborhood. Through Harbor House, they are able to access the larger community as well as programs where they are comfortable bringing their children. Often their children grow up in our youth programs and bring their unique cultural perspective into the larger community.
Economic DevelopmentHarbor House’s economic development programs respond to the economic needs of individuals and families in our community—offering a tangible response to immediate needs and strategically planning long-term, viable solutions. Future business development opportunities will focus on wealth creation, breaking the cycle of generational poverty and the creation of business activities that contribute to the health of a community. It is important that every adult have meaningful opportunities to work and earn a decent wage. Harbor House’s business activities will focus on entrepreneurial opportunities that meet the essential economic needs of the participants while strengthening the community.
Spiritual Development
God’s love extends to all people. We want people to know of their intrinsic value and to know that God cares deeply for them. We want people to know the good news of Jesus Christ, to love God and to serve others with the same love that God extends to us.
We offer pastoral care, bible studies and urban study programs as part of our work in spiritual development. Participation in our spiritual development programs is optional and not required as part of anyone’s participation in our other program activities.
Our spiritual development work is designed to help people cope with the stresses and challenges that often accompany living in the San Antonio community. We seek to assist people in utilizing the inner resources that God has gifted to us. Our work in spiritual development also focuses on the biblical mandate to do justice and seek shalom in our community. Harbor House seeks holistic healing and wellness for each individual and for the entire community.
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31 Torrey Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Phone: 617-282-9798 ext 104
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