City Vision Internship: The Living Vine, Inc.
Company/Organization: TechMission
City Vision Internships is a Christian one-year, multi-year or summer internship program based on the AmeriCorps model. Interns serve at one of over 40 positions across the USA and Canada. In the past 10 years, we have placed over 500 full-time interns and 68,000+ volunteers in hundreds of Christian ministries.Direct Care Intern: An individualized job description is created for each intern based on their
interests and skills, and in accordance with the Homes needs. The job description will be derived from the
following:Direct Care Related Duties: Act as a loving and supportive parental figure to the residents. Maintain a professional relationship with each resident, during her stay and after, as defined in the Living Vine Staff Manual; Oversee that the daily schedule is abided during work hours. Oversee the program curriculum and scheduling during shifts; Teach girls life skills including cooking, personal hygiene and cleaning; Oversee residents for appropriate behavior and interactions both socially and in participation of programming; Provide conflict resolution. Help defuse any misunderstandings between residents; Assist resident director with social services needs for clientele while maintaining set standards as established by HSP for hospital protocols, social services coordination, and medical standards; Dispense weekend and evening medication to residents, when applicable; Act as labor coach when necessary. Visit residents in hospital after delivery; Ensure residents have adequate, properly fitting, seasonable clothing; Establish and monitor the daily and weekly chores of residents. Responsible for training residents on homes standards and doing weekly standard checks; Oversee program of indoor and outdoor recreational and leisure activities; Oversee outings for appropriate dress and behavior including church service coordination; Ensure resident abides by phone and visitation guidelines set by home. Oversee individual scheduled visitation with family and father of the baby. Abides by time and boundaries scheduled by the Resident Director; Coordinate with resident director regarding birthday and holiday festivities; Be willing to spend at least 5 nights per week in the home in order to ensure state requirements in relationship to supervision of the home; Provide transportation and run errands for the home; Escort residents while shopping for personal items; Escort residents to weekend functions, entertainment, and activities; Pray with residents; Oversee spiritual growth program at night; Attend weekly staff meetings. Review with staff each residents status, progress and family situation.
House Related Responsibilities: Assist with the operation, labor and management of the house; Manage the house manager monthly and quarterly chore sheets; Close down the house each night, insuring the home is ready for the next mornings tour; Communicate with resident directors and other house management all pertinent information concerning home and status of residents; Assist in making preparations for all meetings held in the home; Assist with fundraising projects; Provide transportation and run errands for the home.
Office Manager when assigned: Maintain consistent office hours; Answer phones, check messages and answer the door; Run errands for the home; Provide transportation for resident medical appointments. Chaperon residents under 18 to medical appointments; Able to respond to respective clients with appropriate information; Assist with case management.
Fundraising and Public Relations Responsibilities: Assist with fundraisers and develop fundraising ideas; Support and act as a media technician with website, website design, Facebook, Twitter, and the latest social media; Assist with brochure design; Assist with marketing; Assist with grant research and development.
Resident Job Training (Retail) Responsibilities: Act in supervisory capacity to residents in the Blessingdales stores. Follow Blessingdales guidelines; Oversee the daily operations of Blessingdales by providing excellent care to customers, training residents, and fundraising for the ministry of The Living Vine.
Resident Job Training (Entrepreneurship) Responsibilities: We are looking to expand our job internship program and need individuals with the following skills: Embroidery, sewing, baking, food service, social media, and cartoon illustration for childrens books.
Home School Education Responsibilities: Assist home school teacher with individual tutoring.For Interns without a Bachelors Degree: One Year (or summer) Work Study Internship
Provides a work study internship with free tuition in City Vision College for a full year paid by hosting ministry.
Online courses providing accredited degrees in Nonprofit Management, Addiction Studies, and Urban Missions.
Housing is provided by hosting ministry (or a cash equivalent living stipend).
Any Pell grant or other federal financial aid paid as cash payment to student (up to $5,645).
Expectation is typically 29 hours of volunteer work with 16 hours of class work per week (45 hours total).For Interns with a Bachelors Degree:
One Year Paid Internship or Multi-Year Graduate FellowshipOne Year Paid Internship
Housing is provided by hosting ministry (or a cash equivalent living stipend).
Volunteer Interns paid a living stipend from $200-$1,200/month (depending on site).
Free tuition in City Vision College for a full year paid by hosting ministry. (Optional)
Expectation is typically 40 hours of volunteer work per week.Multi-Year Graduate Fellowship
Free tuition in Bakke Graduate University programs including MBA, Masters in Global Leadership or Social Entrenpreneurship or Doctorate in Ministry or Transformational Leadership
Some sites may provide an additional stipend or housing support for outstanding candidates.
Candidates may receive up to 6 hours of independent study credit based on practicum work at ministry site. Supervised nonprofit or ministry experience interning 29 hours per week.
At least 21 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED)
Must be a Christian and demonstrate an understanding of Biblical principles.
U.S. or Canadian citizen, U.S. or Canadian national or lawful permanent resident alien, or have a valid student or work visa
Able to make at least a one year (or summer) commitment (may be extended by mutual agreement)
Able to financially live on just free room and board (and stipend if you opt for the One Year Paid Internship) and any outside income sources you have.
Able to relocate to a location of a ministry site (unless a site exists at your current location)
Must have valid driver license.
Possess excellent organizational and managerial skills.
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TechMission [ All of our Internships ]
31 Torrey Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Phone: 617-282-9798 ext 104
Website: TechMission cannot guarantee the validity and accuracy of internship postings. All persons expressing interest, applying for or accepting internships posted on do so of their own accord and in compliance with's Terms and Conditions.