Company/Organization: IMRecruitable
-Writing clear, compelling copy for various mediums (e.g. ads, blog posts, newsletters)
-Develop high-quality content, mainly for companys website
-Working with creative professionals to build marketing projects and campaigns
Junior or Senior in College
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About IMRecruitableTags:
We want to help High School student athletes and families get scholarshipsSimply we try to help high school student-athletes and their family navigate through the college recruitment process. We provide the tools and the system to educate you on your unique recruiting situation and help you get the best scholarship deal with appropriate college options.
We use State-of-the-art technology to make recruiting between the student athlete and the college (coach) faster and easier than ever before. The IMRecruitable application is highly personalized and provides student-athletes and coaches with the ability to connect, communicate and manage the process.
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IMRecruitable [ All of our Internships ]
90 SW 3rd St Unit 3706
Miami, FL 33130
Phone: 6132401770
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