Social Media Internship
Universal Phoenix Group, LLC is a multi-faceted organization spanning the entertainment, fashion, sports and gaming/technology industries.We strive to utilize our market presence in the entertainment industries of sports, dance, fashion and gaming to positively influence local communities, while bridging gaps globally to improve communities throughout the world. UPG seeks to expose the arts and empower younger generations with viable development solutions and opportunities.
This internship is for a variety of UPG brands, including Digital Dance Culture (, our tech entertainment platform, our international basketball recruiting platform (, our STEM educational platform ( and UPGs central brand itself. Crossover Exposure brings top international student athletes to the United States to enter high school and college while STEAM Teams services STEM based educational institutions and communities. Digital Dance Culture works with the top street dancers in the world and entertainers to deliver top level production and advertising. We intend to capture and report all the latest company and top client news, industry trends and engage our targeted demographics with relevant content to increase our following and subscriber base. Interns will have the opportunity to receive invaluable experience in the sports, education and entertainment industries as well as meet professionals, network, gain travel and commission opportunities. You will work with senior executives, developers and other team members.
We are looking for passionate people from any part of the world (must be able to speak fluent English) that can represent their region. Multi-lingual and experienced social medians and influencers in any of our core verticals will have preference. Opportunists and people who can leverage our platforms to help us enter new markets are welcome.
- Utilizes social media to engage with a community of fans/followers online
- Coordinates online marketing and advertising campaigns
- Collaborates with internal departments on projects and assignments
- Demonstrates interest in social media and how media and communication strategies can continuously engage the online community- Provide links to 1-3 social networking profiles to demonstrate interest and knowledge
- Possesses skills in writing, presentation, interpersonal relations, and customer management
- Performs well in environment that values creativity, flexibility, and variety
- Exhibits personal qualities, such as open-mindedness, enthusiasm, and adaptability
- Prefers challenges, fast pace, new ideas, future focus, and unstructured environment
2 months
Start Date:
End Date:
08/31/18, 8/31/18
Additional Info:
- Utilizes social media to engage with a community of fans/followers onlineTags:
- Coordinates online marketing and advertising campaigns
- Collaborates with internal departments on projects and assignments
- Demonstrates interest in social media and how media and communication strategies can continuously engage the online community
social media marketing dance entertainment education international sportsMore Internships in Georgia:
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We strive to utilize our market presence in the vertical industries of sports, dance, fashion, technology and gaming to positively influence local communities, while bridging gaps globally to improve communities throughout the world. UPG seeks to expose the arts and empower younger generations with viable development solutions and opportunities.
UPG services its partners and clients via one of its 3 service arms. Initial consultations are led by Phoenix Management Group. PMG is a Technology Solutions and Entertainment Management agency. The agency services forms the backbone of consulting services for technology and marketing based solutions.
Menfes Interactive, a gaming and app network, is the second arm of UPG. As a service provider, Menfes Interactive utilizes its expertise to fulfill client demands in the development of apps and mobile gaming to create products and/or bolster marketing campaigns.
Team Menfes provides quality promo merchandising for clients and UPG internal operations alike. Group and event based clients benefit from Team Menfes’ quality assurance and precision in production and delivery.
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