Community Foods Specialist
Company/Organization: Center for Rural Affairs
Principle Activities and Outcomes
1. Help members of the Santee Sioux and Omaha Tribes of Nebraska grow fresh food in a sustainable manner
2. Assist with Farmers Market in Santee and Macy, Nebraska
3. Recruit volunteers to help with the program
4. Assist with community garden development with Santee Sioux and Omaha Tribes
5. Work with gardeners, growers, advisory committees and community members
6. Participate in joint projects with other AmeriCorps membersCo-ordination
This position requires working cooperatively with the Santee Sioux and Omaha Tribes, other AmeriCorps members, farmers, rural community members, rural community leaders, and with Center for Rural Affairs staff.
Preferred Skills and Experience
1. Self-starter and passionate about the work
2. People skills
3. Respect for all cultures
4. Community organizing
5. Some knowledge or experience working in rural communities
Paid Internship Info:
900 hr
1 year
Start Date:
September 2, 2014
End Date:
August 25, 2014, August 31, 2015
Additional Info:
Additional Information:Tags:
1. What is the real-world need the right person will solve?Most of the work will be with the Omaha and Santee Tribes in Northeast Nebraska. These are food deserts, with little access or money for fresh foods. Obesity and diabetes are epidemic. You will help community members learn to grow their own fresh, healthy food to save money and improve their diets and health. You will schedule educational sessions, handle logistics for project activities, and arrange media for publicity and announcements.
2. How will we quantitatively measure success so we can recognize a top performer?Time after time, our top performers are those who are embraced by the communities we help: participants ask for these employees, expect them to continue indefinitely, and invite them to community and family activities. We will measure how gardeners apply what they learn, how many families benefit from growing good food, and how many people show they trust us by returning to the activities we sponsor.
3. What are the common attributes of our top performers--hard skills, soft skills, what they do in their free time?
Our top performers can write so well that we are in awe of their insight, humor and grasp of complexity. Our top staff can converse across cultural lines and be welcomed despite any differences. Our best are voracious learners and exceptional listeners -- who amaze us with their experiences, observations and willingness to share.
4. Why would the right person want this job?
The Center for Rural Affairs has a national reputation as one of the top organizations in the country that works to make rural communities more vibrant. You will be hired to work half-time and well do our best to hold you to it because we dont want to abuse your time and good will. We believe in independence and job responsibility and your ideas will be heard and often times implemented here. And you will make a difference.
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Center for Rural Affairs

Establish strong rural communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities.
Our Values
Since its inception, the Center has resisted the role of advocating for the interests of any particular group. Instead, we have chosen to advance a set of values - values that reflect the best of Rural America. Ultimately, we believe it is in the interest of all to create a future reflecting those values.
Center for Rural Affairs [ All of our Internships ]
PO Box 136
Lyons, NE 68038
Phone: 402.687.2100 Fax: 402.687.2200
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