Educational Coordinator Intern
Company/Organization: Know My World
As an Educational Coordinator Intern you will help to oversee the general management of Know My World cross-cultural exchanges by facilitating new exchanges, helping to build our international database, seeking new opportunities for international growth and collaborating with participants to create projects.Show experience in multicultural and/or humanistic education with a
genuine interest in selfdirected learning initiatives. Possess strong communication
awareness and writing skills.What you give:
? Assist in exchange management and relations, maintain ongoing matches.
? Assist in internal development and general management of partnerships/projects.
? Help to generate ideas and bring them into fruition.
? Seek out new opportunities for database growth such as conferences, seminars,
and organizations.What you develop:
? Knowledge and understanding of international organizations
? Communication and interpersonal skills utilized in various parts of the globe
? Exposure to various cultures and customs
? Leadership experience in group dynamics
? A community of globally minded individuals
? Experience in international relations and schools
Ability to follow directives and apprentice an established KMW facilitator via digitaltechnology (ie. reliable internet service and email capability)
? Attend telecommunication staff conferences Sunday evenings at 630pm EST
? (1 hour per week)
? Maintain organization of participant and potential database on Google Docs. Be in
communication with staff about changes, additions and requests. (1 hour)
? Facilitate and engage in dialouge with potential participants and current participants
around project development, KMW guidelines and requirements. Ability to answer
emails within 24 hours. (1 hour)
? Research and organize leads for future conferences, seminars and organizations
that support KMW databases and growth. (12 hours)
4-6 hours per week
Start Date:
Additional Info:
Know My World is able to offer up to 3 credit hours for internsTags:
Global Education Classroom Projects Classroom Exchanges International Communication Cultures Global Citizenship Conferences Organize FacilitateMore Internships in New York:
Latest New York Internships
Know My World
Our mission is to offer a multitude of platforms and projects for exchange and growth between various countries and cultures. These projects and exchanges will provide shared teaching and learning opportunities between participants. The pivotal focus of Know My World is to promote enriching opportunities within and beyond the standard curriculum to transform the educative experience.
Know My World™ hosts a variety of methods for cross cultural exchange using various forms of digital technology and project based learning. The initial connection between classrooms around the world begins here with the intention to go beyond the standard educational curriculum by expanding on relationships through experiential learning and lasting friendships. We welcome anyone who has an interest in working with us to promote global connectivity and project based learning.
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Glenham, NY
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