Six Surefire Ways to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out Stand Out From the Rest
Dazzling Sample Cover Letter #2
The following cover letter is meant
to be a hypothetical example of a strong cover letter. Content should not be copied for
personal use but used to stimulate ideas on how to design a cover letter using
one’s own individual accomplishments/skills.
222 Anywhere Street
Anywhere, PA 22222
August 15, 2009
Jennifer Townsend
XYZ Company
333 Somewhere Avenue
Somewhere, PA 33333
Dear Ms. Townsend:
I am very interested in joining the Human Resources Department at
XYZ Company as an intern. I heard of this position through I believe I could utilize the skills I have gained
through my degree in Human Resources, my strong work ethic and
my leadership and organizational skills to be an asset to your organization.
I have recently demonstrated these skills through numerous
activities. For a class project, I conducted a student
employee satisfaction survey that gave me direct
experience with the tasks of a Human Resources professional. In
addition, I have demonstrated my leadership and organizational
skills through my appointment to Student Human Resources
Association President. Within this role, I have initiated a mock
recruiting/interviewing program for all members.
Once again, I
would like to reiterate my strong interest in joining your
organization as an intern. I hope to talk with you further
about what I can bring to your organization. I can be reached
Thank you for your consideration.
[Sign Full Name]
Michael Jacobsen
For an example of a cover letter that is tailored to a specific job description, take a look at our Sample "Power Cover Letter"
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